Storyteller Forum, 29 March 2001 (Continued)

Holyph says, "Dances will be different and fun."

Anika nods to Epoclaen.

Anika nods to Epoclaen.

Anika nods to Epoclaen.

Holyph says, "You will actually need to learn the dances."

Jubalee grins.

Holyph says, "Spend time training."

Holyph says, "Lessons, tests."

Anika drools.

Jubalee says, "Get the steps right."

You say, "ooo"

Holyph says, "Following little feet painted on the floor."

Jubalee nods.

You drool.

(Anika ties her handkerchief around her neck, like a bib.)

Brete grins.

Holyph says, "And where else would you learn to dance..."

Anika giggles.

Anika exclaims, "Dance school!"

Angelia grins at Anika.

Holyph exclaims, "But at the infamous Widow Twanky's Dancing School!"

Jubalee nods to Anika.

Anika lets out a howl for Holyph!

Angelia beams at Holyph!

Brete grins.

Anika exclaims, "Long live the Widow Twanky!"

Holyph grins.

Anika shakes her fist!

Jubalee grins at Anika.

You say, "ooooo"

Holyph says, "Of course you'll not always learn from her."

Anika mutters I didn't have pure sugar for dinner..honest...

You drool.

Holyph says, "She's too busy for the likes of us."

Brete grins at Anika.

Holyph says, "But I'll see if she can do final tests maybe."

Anika beams at Holyph!

Anika exclaims, "Wouldn't that be wonderful, to have to schedule them with her!"

Holyph asks, "Speaking of dances, what kind would you like to see?"

Anika says, "Or at least work around her schedule.."

Angelia exclaims, "Tango!"

Angelia beams at Holyph!

Euphrasia exclaims, "belly dance!!!"

Holyph chuckles.

Anika says, "Many sultry, heart-breaking ones."

You say, "belly dancing"

Anika nods.

Holyph says, "Ok, besides fluff dances."

Holyph flails her arms about.

Angelia says, "Waltz"

You say, "gypsy dances too"

Anika giggles.

Pamico pats Epoclaen on the shoulder.

Holyph says, "We're talking helpful in combat dances."

Angelia says, "Cha-cha"

Epoclaen smiles at Pamico.

Holyph says, "Like a dance of blades"

Leanna says, "Rain dances, gods know Athens doesn't get any."

Angelia says, "Oh"

Leanna snickers.

Jubalee asks, "What do you want these dances to do?"

Anika says, "Something to REALLY make our opponents dizzy and fall down."

Angelia grins.

Angelia says, "A tango wouldn't be so great with a troll"

Angelia grumbles.

Anika giggles at Angelia.

Holyph says, "One we have in mind is a weapon type dance."

Leanna says, "could always have a rain dance that rains on the opponent making em slip in the mud."

Leanna examines her fingernails.

Jubalee chuckles at Angelia.

Anika says, "Not if he kept stepping on your feet it wouldn't."

Euphrasia says, "oh well belly dancing would distract the male enemies "

Anika lets out a howl for Leanna!

Holyph says, "You'll be able to target the dance on one person..."

Brete says, "that would be funny to see"

Holyph says, "Or just do it to the entire room."

Epoclaen says, "rusts their armor"

Epoclaen grins.

You say, "the gypsy dances, and belly dances could seduce and destract the entire room..."

Anika nods to you.

Brete asks, "amybe make them drunk for a few minutes?"

You say, "distract"

Brete says, "maybe"

Angelia says, "You should see Katie's bellydance"

Angelia nods.

Holyph says, "So you hold a weapon, and do this intricate dance around a troll, the whole time you're taking jabs and cutting pieces off of him with your sword"

Jubalee says, "I don't know if I'd want to see Epoclaen belly dancing though."

You nod to Holyph.

Holyph says, "Or you do it on a whole bunch of trolls."

Anika says, "And he's too busy drooling over your skill to notice."

Epoclaen grins at Jubalee.

Anika gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Pamico glances at Epoclaen.

Euphrasia nods to Holyph.

Pamico raises an eyebrow in Epoclaen's direction.

Leanna says, "Yeah. Belly Dancing seems an awfully feminine dance. "

Holyph says, "And hit each a few times and you pirrouhette between them"

Pamico eyes up Epoclaen.

You say, "I can do belly dancing...."

Pamico chuckles at Epoclaen.

Anika says, "Epoc can do a good belly dance."

Anika nods.

Angelia says, "I just can't see a troll getting interested in a non-troll belly dancing"

Angelia wrinkles her nose.

Holyph chuckles at Angelia.

You say, "i did it all the time at home..."

Euphrasia says, "I don't know I think Epoclaen could pull it off"

Holyph says, "There'll be seductive dances hopefully"

Anika nods to Euphrasia.

Euphrasia smiles at Epoclaen.

Anika says, "I know he can."

You nod.

Brete says, "i dont have the belly for belly dancing"

Angelia asks, "I mean, would you be entranced by a belly dancing troll?"

Anika glances at Holyph.

Anika drools.

Brete grins.

Angelia sticks her finger in her mouth and makes a gagging sound.

Holyph says, "To stun critters with your beauty or some such."

Anika exclaims, "I'd be too busy laughing at it!"

Epoclaen nods to Anika.

Anika grins at Angelia.

You say, "right"

Angelia nods to Anika.

Holyph says, "Stand there google eyed and jaw dropped"

Angelia giggles.

Leanna says, "And of course, animals wouldn't care at all either."

Anika says, "Oh..problem though.."

Holyph says, "Of course a guy trying it on a guy will likely make him mad."

Epoclaen fusses with his pants making sure it fits comfortably in place.

Anika says, "I can see Ingo being just as stunned as said troll."

Anika ponders.

Holyph says, "But there'll be a chance he'll like it"

Angelia glances at Epoclaen.

Holyph snickers.

Leanna says, "Animals would be thinking "Oh, Wow. They're dancing. They sure are morons dancing while I want to kill them.""

Epoclaen grins at Angelia.

Angelia grins at Holyph.

Anika giggles at Leanna.

Brete says, "thats seems awfully femanine"

Holyph nods to Leanna.

Angelia giggles at Leanna.

Anika adjusts the fit of her top.

Angelia says, "Guys could sword dance though"

Angelia says, "I've seen guys sword dancing"

Angelia says, "VERY sexy"

Angelia nods.

Anika asks, "And why can't I sword dance?"

Leanna nods to Angelia.

Anika stares at Angelia.

Leanna says, "Impressive too."

Holyph says, "We'll be careful to make the dances not look too feminine for you guys."

Angelia says, "I didn't say you couldn't"

Angelia gives Anika a blank stare.

Anika snuggles up close to Angelia.

Angelia snuggles up close to Anika.

Brete says, "we thank you for that"

Brete grins.

Fati smiles as she rubs her growing belly, feeling the baby move

Jubalee smiles at Brete.

Brete shudders.

Holyph rubs her chin thoughtfully.

You shift your weight around.

Goldenmane says, "Just wondering what the nymphs will think of a bunch of belly-dancing females."

Epoclaen says, "Make a few saunters and brutish poses"

Anika giggles at Goldenmane.

Holyph says, "Also the defensive dance we've been promising of course."

Leanna says, "Prolly laugh their heads off."

Anika says, "Give us all weird looks."

Leanna grins at Goldenmane.

Anika nods.

Anika exclaims, "Yeah!"

Anika tugs on Holyph.

Holyph says, "Which will actually help you dodge blows completely, not make you defend better."

Brete grins.

Anika says, "Oooohhh..."

Anika gazes at Holyph with a worshipful look on her face.

Holyph says, "We really don't want dances to be like songs and draughts and spells"

Leanna says, "Of course, if you do a dance bad enough the creatures would be distracted by a laughing fit."

Leanna examines her fingernails.

Epoclaen asks, "sonic shield?"

Holyph says, "We want them to be their own thing."

Epoclaen gets a hopeful expression on his face.

Brete says, "as long as i dont have to belly dance"

Holyph says, "We've discussed sonic shields"

Jubalee says, "Imagine.. A nymph swipes their trident at you and you dance nimbly aside."

Holyph nods.

Anika gazes at Jubalee.

Anika drools.

Holyph says, "A whole slew of them actually."

Holyph says, "Different types of shields"

Jubalee nods.

Anika says, "Defense...any which way, shape or form..."

Brete grins at Sarrah.

Anika gazes at Holyph with a worshipful look on her face.

Holyph says, "One like the nymphs that's a one shot bounce the weapon back deal"

Holyph says, "One kind of like the skin potions that will help you not take as much damage"

Holyph says, "Stuff like that"

Anika drools.

Epoclaen nods to Holyph.

Anika lets out a soft purr of satisfaction.

Holyph says, "We really want to start taking the profession on a more magical trend."

Brete says, "shes gonna have to rest after this"

Brete grins at Anika.

Pamico lets out a soft purr of satisfaction.

Holyph says, "Without ripping off priests"

Holyph grins.

Pamico chuckles.

Sarrah smiles.

Leanna says, "anika you've got some... uhm drool on your chin."

Brete grins at Sarrah.

Leanna glances at Anika.

Holyph asks, "Questions so far?"

Epoclaen asks, "any chance of foliage summoning then at higher levels?"

Angelia says, "And on my lap"

Angelia wrinkles her nose.

Holyph says, "Probably."

Holyph nods to Epoclaen.

(Anika wipes her chin with her handkerchief before scrubbing at Angelia's lap.)

Epoclaen says, "Like Orpheus type stuff"

Holyph nods.

Jubalee nods.

Angelia squirms.

Leanna asks, "I've a question. Can we get a rain poncho to stay dry from anika?"

Leanna examines her fingernails.

Holyph says, "And the piercing notes"

Pamico chuckles at Leanna.

Brete grins.

Epoclaen beams at Holyph!

Anika giggles at Leanna.

Holyph chuckles at Leanna.

Jubalee chuckles at Leanna.

Brete says, "youd make a small fourtune"

Anika says, "I'm trying..."

Anika whimpers pitifully like a lost puppy.

Athenios laughs at Leanna.

Anika points at Holyph.

Epoclaen says, "what I was thinking of is a way to bring our stories to modest life."

Anika points at Jubalee.

Anika says, "All their fault."

Leanna says, "Blaming the Gurus."

Leanna shakes her head at Anika and clucks her tongue.

Holyph says, "We want to see sculpting and painting and stuff too."

Anika sticks her tongue out at Leanna, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from her lips!

Anika beams at Holyph!

Anika exclaims, "Painting!"

Holyph says, "But we haven't even discussed that at all yet."

Brete says, "oh painting"

Jubalee says, "And sewing."

Holyph nods to Jubalee.

Anika rubs a silver oval locket with a delicate moonstone cameo.

Euphrasia says, "costuming"

Brete grins.

Brete says, "no way im sewing"

Anika says, "I wanna make a portrait of Papa to go with Mama's.."

Holyph says, "Tell em about sewing while I rest my tongue a bit."

Brete snickers.

Holyph grins at Jubalee.

Anika glances at Brete.

Anika rolls her eyes.

Sarrah grins at Brete.

Leanna asks, "Your tongue gets tired?"

Anika mutters Typical man.

Leanna gawks at Holyph.

Brete grins.

Sarrah mutters he will

Holyph says, "No, but it was a good excuse to shut up so she can get a word in edge-ways."

Anika grins at Sarrah.

Holyph grins.

Brete says, "well my fingers are not pin cushions"

Anika says, "She has been getting words in edge-wise."

Jubalee says, "Well, how it looks now is that you would buy a pattern for what you want to make. A needle and thread too."

Anika says, "That's the only way..but they've been in."

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