Jubalee smiles at Anika.
Epoclaen grins at Holyph.
Brete gently strokes Sarrah's hair.
Epoclaen takes a drink from his cheap amphias wine.
Euphrasia removes a cup of sweet honey mead from her leather satchel.
Anika says, "Ok, I've noticed that I have a marching songbook with songs I wrote at different skill levels...so sometimes when I sing, I get one amount of bonus, and other times I get a different amount of bonus."
Epoclaen nods.
Holyph grins.
Holyph says, "That's not why."
Anika asks, "Any way we can look at our songbooks and figure out how powerful they are, like Alchemist potency?"
Anika asks, "No?"
Epoclaen asks, "Did you by chance try to sing again after the foirst song?"
Holyph says, "Though you do bring up an interesting point, I will need to see about combining songs of different skill."
Epoclaen peers quizzically at Anika.
Anika says, "No...I always wait 'til the first marching song wears off."
Holyph says, "Most of the songs will have more effect if you're in the right mood."
Holyph says, "Like say you sing the drinking song..."
Anika raises an eyebrow in Holyph's direction.
Holyph asks, "What good is a drinking song without a nice drink in your hand?"
Epoclaen squints one eye, and peers at Holyph with the other.
Anika says, "I just want to know about the marching song, 'cause that's the one I get it with the most."
Epoclaen glances at a flagon of cheap amphias wine.
Brete grins at Holyph.
Pamico asks, "What and your foot for a marching song?"
Anika ponders.
Pamico chuckles at Holyph.
Holyph grins at Pamico.
Jubalee chuckles at Pamico.
Anika asks, "Or would you get a bigger bonus on the marching song with a weapon in your hand?"
Holyph says, "Well, marching always looks snazzier with a weapon in your hand."
Anika ponders.
Jubalee says, "Perhaps."
Holyph nods to Anika.
Epoclaen nods.
Jubalee nods to Anika.
Holyph says, "I ain't saying no more."
Holyph grins.
Anika exclaims, "Sneaky godlings!"
Anika points at Holyph.
Holyph snickers.
Anika points at Jubalee.
Epoclaen asks, "dancing?"
Epoclaen ponders.
Brete grins.
Jubalee chuckles.
Holyph says, "Dancing I think checks for the right kinda shoes."
Anika raises an eyebrow.
Epoclaen nods.
Anika asks, "Ok, what about us Centaurs?"
Angelia giggles at Holyph.
Brete asks, "shoes?"
Holyph says, "Or it may not."
Holyph grins.
Angelia says, "Horseshoes too"
Anika says, "We got about one choice...horshoes, and horshoes."
Angelia grins at Anika.
Pamico chuckles at Holyph.
Holyph says, "That was an idea I thought about and may never have happened."
Anika says, "Well, or agolopas."
Anika taps some iron silver-inlaid alogopaps.
Holyph says, "I forget to tell the truth, but I'll look into it."
Anika says, "Alogopaps, even."
Holyph grins.
Epoclaen says, "gesundheit"
Epoclaen winks at Anika.
Angelia raises her hand.
Anika giggles at Epoclaen.
Holyph points at Angelia.
Leanna sways back and forth.
Angelia says, "Okay, I was wondering if anyone was considering a dressing room or backstage area for the theater in Athens? Cause it would have helped a lot when we did the play"
Holyph says, "Pay no attention to the odd bits of furniture popping out of nowhere."
Angelia says, "And we have more events and plays in the works for there"
Athenios nods to Anika.
Angelia smiles.
Jubalee grins at Angelia.
Holyph grins at Angelia.
Holyph says, "We're considering a heck of a lot more than that."
Angelia asks, "That IS a storyteller question right?"
Angelia grins.
Jubalee nods.
Jubalee says, "Yep."
Holyph says, "And actually in the throws of trying to make it work."
Anika exclaims, "Orchestra pit!"
Angelia asks, "More than that?"
Angelia beams!
Holyph nods to Angelia.
Anika says, "Oh, that reminds me of something else, when you get to me."
Anika gazes at Holyph and bats her eyelashes flirtatiously.
Holyph grins.
Holyph says, "I don't want to give anything away...."
Angelia says, "Oh, go on..we won't tell"
Epoclaen exclaims, "sure ya do!"
Angelia grins at Holyph.
Epoclaen nudges Holyph with his elbow.
Holyph says, "But you can WATCH stages now in our test theater."
Jubalee says, "From the audience."
Angelia asks, "Where's the test theater?"
Pamico says, "Ooo"
Angelia gazes around at her surroundings.
Holyph says, "And cheer for folks and all sorts of other nifty audience to stage stuff."
Angelia grins.
Sarrah grins.
Angelia asks, "Like throw rotten eggs if they're bad?"
Holyph says, "The test theater is straight up 3 miles... then hang a left."
Epoclaen chuckles at Holyph.
Anika asks, "Up that way?"
Anika points up.
Holyph nods.
Anika snaps her fingers.
Jubalee nods to Anika.
Angelia says, "Gee, thanks Holyph...I'll catch the next harpy up"
Anika says, "Broke my wings last week."
Anika pouts.
Holyph grins.
Brete looks at Sarrah and blushes.
Holyph says, "Ok, Anika"
Sarrah gently strokes Brete's hair.
Epoclaen takes a drink from his cheap amphias wine.
Anika asks, "This is actually an idea I heard from Garrock this morning but...what about making it so that music from our instruments can be heard in adjoining rooms?"
Anika says, "Just the ones that would normally hear someong YELLing."
Holyph says, "While we're here, think of stuff you want, songs... dances... anything and everything bardish"
Holyph nods to Anika.
Jubalee says, "Oh, that's an idea."
Jubalee smiles at Anika.
Holyph says, "He told me that one."
Holyph says, "And I love the idea"
Anika asks, "Wouldn't that be nifty, to draw people into a dance or celebration?"
Anika nods to Holyph.
Holyph nods.
Euphrasia asks, "you are working on a couple dances right?"
Holyph says, "I'll see how hard it'll be"
Holyph grins.
Anika beams at Holyph!
Holyph nods to Euphrasia.
Epoclaen says, "could be annoying though for some, as much as I hate to say that"
Holyph says, "Problem is... all together now..."
Pamico says, "Library What is going on with that "
Holyph says, "We have to wait for new combat."
Pamico says, "Would be nice to actually have something to read in the library"
Anika asks, "What about only being able to do it near general gathering areas?"
Euphrasia says, "I was gonna ask about a notice of somekind like if someone wanted to to a performance they could post it at the gate on that day like for one hour before hand..."
Holyph nods to Epoclaen.
Holyph says, "We'll sell earplugs"
Holyph grins at Epoclaen.
Euphrasia nods to Pamico.
Epoclaen says, "think of people at the gate complaining about noise from the bar"
Anika says, "Tell them to go some place else for quiet."
Anika folds her arms across her chest.
Holyph says, "Libraries I'd like to see working, but I think someone else claimed it."
Pamico raises an eyebrow.
Angelia asks, "Well, if you're gonna sit next to a bar, what do you expect?"
Anika nods to Angelia.
Holyph says, "So gotta wait for them to do it."
Anika says, "Exactly."
Pamico says, "Okay I think"
Jubalee asks, "What would be more natural than music coming from a bar?"
Pamico chuckles at Holyph.
Holyph grins at Pamico.
Holyph nods to Jubalee.
Anika says, "Especially one with such a big door as Sid's."
Holyph says, "Now, back to this new song system."
Jubalee says, "Other than drunks of course."
Epoclaen nods to Jubalee.
Holyph says, "What we envision is selling the song sheets in shops."
Holyph says, "And then people who have them teaching the songs to each other."
Anika squints at Holyph.
Holyph says, "When you're taught the song, then you can jot it down until you forget it."
Anika asks, "What kind of songs?"
Anika asks, "Combat-type songs?"
Holyph says, "Songs like we have now"
Holyph nods.
Anika asks, "For non-'Tellers?"
Brete nods.
Holyph says, "But what this does is open up all sorts of fun things, and sneaky things."
Holyph says, "I'd like everyone to be singing songs, but something will need to change with how skills are done before that can happen."
Anika nods to Holyph.
Holyph says, "But here's the fun stuff."
Holyph says, "And sneaky as we can be..."
Holyph leans on Jubalee.
Jubalee smiles at Holyph.
Holyph says, "You'll be able to go to libraries and find songs."
Holyph says, "Copy them from books."
Anika claps her hands.
Anika beams!
Holyph says, "IF this happens."
Leanna says, "It'd be interesting to see people 'humming in remembrance' of a storyteller song, maybe getting half the bonuses up to two hours or so after hearing the song."
Anika asks, "What do you mean IF?"
Anika stares at Holyph.
Holyph says, "You will be able to go to the top of a steeple in a certain town..."
Holyph says, "Look down at the plaza below and see a song written in notes on the paving stones."
Holyph says, "And copy it down."
Angelia says, "Weird"
Brete says, "cool"
Holyph says, "If we go with this new song system."
Anika giggles.
Pamico says, "Interesting"
Holyph nods to Leanna.
Anika says, "That would be awesome."
Holyph says, "Anyway we can think to hide a song somewhere, we'd do it."
Epoclaen says, "A 40th circle warrior following Apollo could do marching songs at least."
Brete says, "i think i hear oohss and ahhsss"
Jubalee says, "Lots of fun ways to learn songs."
Holyph says, "There'd be fluff songs that only one sheet is available to"
Holyph says, "So you'd be dependant on the person finding it to teach it."
Holyph says, "Of course if they're jerks about it, another will probably magically turn up somewhere."
Holyph grins.
Holyph nods to Jubalee.
Jubalee says, "There aren't any storyteller jerks though."
Holyph says, "Maybe even be able to learn songs by hearing them in bars."
Holyph says, "As you get more skilled."
Brete nods.
Anika beams at Holyph!
Holyph says, "It holds a lot of potential"
Anika exclaims, "That's the way to go!"
Epoclaen asks, "so only one teacher per song?"
Holyph says, "So we're really excited about hopefully getting this new system going."
Anika tugs on Holyph.
Holyph says, "Whoever has the sheet of music can teach it."
Anika says, "Must be able to learn in bars."
Holyph says, "Actually, if you hear the song sung..."
Anika nods to Holyph.
Jubalee says, "Some songs will have more sheets."
Holyph says, "You will be able to write it down for a few minutes after."
Holyph nods to Jubalee.
Epoclaen nods to Jubalee.
Holyph says, "There may be wandering NPC minstrels who'll teach you songs"
Anika drools.
Holyph says, "Maybe freely or for a price."
Anika removes a soft red heart-edged handkerchief from her raw wool haversack.
Epoclaen says, "okay, so the whole storyteller world isn't relying on that one teller"
(Anika quickly wipes the drool from her chin.)
Angelia pats Anika on the withers.
Brete asks, "and if you do this the songs will last a ceartin amount of time?"
Holyph nods to Epoclaen.
Holyph says, "Once they spread it, then others will be able to teach it."
(Anika hastily wipes up a stray drool-drop from Angelia's leg.)
Epoclaen says, "ah, okay"
Angelia wrinkles her nose.
Epoclaen nods.
Anika says, "Sorry."
Holyph says, "What I am hoping to do with some of them is make them like songs passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth"
Anika gazes at Angelia in child-like innocence.
Holyph says, "Rather than just having a set place to run and buy the song."
Epoclaen nods to Holyph.
Holyph nods to Brete.
Anika beams at Holyph!
Angelia nods to Anika.
Angelia says, "S okay"
Anika says, "But..but.."
Anika tugs on Holyph.
Anika asks, "Can't you make SOME songs like that?"
Epoclaen says, "That sounds like a great way to go"
Euphrasia asks, "will these be the combat songs then or something different?"
Holyph says, "Songs will work pretty much as they do now."
Holyph says, "Oh of course."
Anika asks, "Like some of the popular songs around the turn of the 20th Century?"
Holyph says, "The useful songs will be like that."
Jubalee says, "This is still all in the discussion stages."
Holyph says, "Most of the hidden stuff will be fluff songs."
Holyph nods to Jubalee.
Euphrasia nods.
Anika nods.
Anika asks, "Kinda like going to your friend to get her to teach you that hot new song she just learned?"
Holyph says, "Yes, please note that this is still just a gleam in our eyes."
Holyph nods to Anika.
Epoclaen says, "It's a bright gleam though, and it's catching."
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