Okeanos Lypi (Ocean Sorrow)

Although I didn't write this for Anika to perform in Athens, because it is based somewhat upon her and her friends, I felt this was an appropriate place to put it. I would like to thank Alydyana for struggling with me to think of a title, and Leanna for the Greek translation.
~Elisa, Anika's Muse

I told you not to go.

I told you of the dream I had--

Raging wind
Poseidon grey in his fury
Zeus playing with his brother--
Can he hit the mark
Tossed about so carelessly?

"My family needs me.
My homeland needs me.
You know you'd do the same."

"Let me come with you."

You placed your fingers beneath my chin
And gazed at me--

That warm, loving gaze
Made just for me--
"They need you here, Nika.
I need you here.
No one knows my business better than you."

I gave in.
I played the part of the good wife.
I smiled bravely from the dock on Megas Bay,
Hiding the cold fear that gripped my heart.

Arysia's baby came soon after,
Howling like a tortured gryphon.
You would be proud of my first time as a midwife--
Artemis surely smiled on me.

Then the news came.
Captain Arya made it to Alexandria
And from there found passage home.

I was updating the records for you--
Sales had been good;
You would have been so pleased.

"Anika, I saw him."
--Arya's once-black hair was now white--
"Zeus took aim and hit his mark."

I should have gone with you.

The sea
The beautiful sea we crossed together
So many times together, you and I--

Standing at the front of the Olympias
The wind blowing your golden, foreign hair against my cheek--
How it hurts to see it.

The autumn after Arya's return
I couldn't go to Piraeus.
I couldn't watch the traders return.
I couldn't walk the harbor, hoping for a glimpse
Of exotic wares.
I couldn't catch a glimpse
Of the cold, blue water that took you from me.

Yet here I am.


--You remember him?,
The trader from Britannia--
He came this winter with news of the raids on your village.

I owe it to you to go.
I owe it to you to see your family,
To offer them safety and shelter with me.

Life is more than comfortable--
In the last year I taught Osdem
To help me with your business
(I didn't think you'd mind)
And he mostly runs it now.

You would be happy.

The captain calls for me now.
He faces me from the top of the gangplank,
Arms akimbo
--"Board now or stay in Piraeus"--
We must leave with the tide.

No visions came to me this time
Except memories of the dream.
I told you not to go.
Why am I going now?

The water laps against the dock
Against the hull of the boat.
I must go.
For you.

You would be proud.

One foot in front of the other,
My legs carry me over the water
Up the gangplank.
I clutch the rail of the ship.

May Poseidon lead me to you.

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