Anika's Links

Anika in the 21st Century

These are the websites that have either helped me with life in Athens, or just make it a little richer. If you know of a site you'd like to see up here, let me know.

Scheherazade's Domain If there's something you want to know about HX:AoH, there's a good chance Zade's got it! Her maps are by far the absolute best available at this point, as well as the most complete. She also has a mostly complete and up-to-date shopping guide, which can be very helpful in finding specific items.
Locksmith Jherle's Haven I haven't explored this site much, but it's the one website I know of that has the current skill modifier tables. Her guide for new Rogues does pretty well in covering the basics, though her information on picking locks on boxes is now out of date.
Epoclaen's Archives Besides having the only maps of the Warrens that I know of, Epoclaen is one of Athens's best artists! He also has excellent information for beginning Storytellers and information about the various critters you'll find throughout Greece and other lands.
The Priestess's Parlor Alydyana keeps excellent information on weddings on her site, as well as logs of weddings in HX.

Explore the Abode!
Anika's History
Anika's Songbook Anika's Storybook
Athens Spring Equinox Procession Anika and Barabbus's Wedding
Storyteller Forum, 24 August 2000 Elisa's Corner
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The Homepage of Artist Larry ElmoreThanks to Larry Elmore for letting me "borrow" his wonderful image of a Centaur standing in front of the U.S. Capitol holding a gun. (The moment I saw it, I immediately thought of a modern-day Anika waking up on the wrong side of the pillows.)